Are there any versions of the iliad that isn’t in poem form?

Published by Achilles Heel on

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  • #1686
    Achilles Heel

    I really cannot be asked to always read the poems! I wish there was something a bit more substantial such as a book or prose to read. Poems are:

    – Hard to understand

    Please help!


    So I would recommend a translated Prose.

    – if you’re asking for prose because for some reason you *need* it to be prose, the Martin Hammond translation looks good.

    – if you’re asking for prose because you want something you can read easily, I recommend the Robert Fagles translation. Admittedly, it’s poetry. But I listened to the audiobook by Ian McKellen and didn’t realize it wasn’t a prose until I saw it in print. It was fun. It was good. It was very easy to understand, no uselessly complicated/stiff writing there.

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