Sagittarius (Chiron the centaur)
Sagittarius is one of the nineth sign of the zodiac that represent the astrological constellations in the sky. The symbol of Sagittarius is a bow and arrow, and it is often depicted as a half-human, half-horse creature known as a centaur.
Most origin myths behind Sagittarius say this is Chiron, the immortal centaur who acted as teacher to many ancient Greek heroes. Centaurs are half-human, half-horse creatures that are usually wild and savage. However, Chiron was different from his kin, as he was wise, gentle and civilized.
Chiron was the son of Cronus, the titan of time, and Philyra, an ocean nymph. Cronus disguised himself as a horse to seduce Philyra, but when she saw his true form, she was so disgusted that she asked Zeus to turn her into a linden tree. Chiron was born from this union, with a human upper body and a horse’s lower body.
Chiron was raised by Apollo, the god of light, music and prophecy, who taught him many skills and arts. Chiron became a master of medicine, hunting, music and astrology. He lived in a cave on Mount Pelion, where he welcomed many guests and students. Among his pupils were Hercules, Jason, Achilles, Asclepius and Perseus.
Chiron’s life ended tragically when he was accidentally shot by Hercules with a poisoned arrow. The arrow was dipped in the blood of the Hydra, a monstrous serpent with many heads that Hercules had slain as one of his 12 labors. The poison was so potent that it caused Chiron unbearable pain, but he could not die because he was immortal.
Chiron decided to give up his immortality and exchange his life for that of Prometheus, a titan who was chained to a rock and tortured by an eagle for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to humans. Zeus accepted this deal and freed Prometheus from his punishment. He also placed Chiron among the stars as the constellation of Centaurus or Sagittarius, depending on the source.