Hellenic Moon: For the Greek Mythology Freaks

So you know Greek mythology, right? You heard about Zeus and his wife Hera, goddess Athena, Hercules, you know what is Demeter the goddess of, and maybe you even know the whole pantheon of main gods.  You’ve seen some movies or series, and/or read some books about the Greek gods and mythology. And that’s a great start, but there is much more out there. And that’s were Hellenic Moon comes in.


We are Greek Mythology Freaks who like to search for all the little details and facts about how Greek mythology and history shaped the world around us, and how it has evolved over time. You will see Greek (and Roman) mythology come to life in the modern world around you, showing you the connection from back then to today. For example, you can learn about all the modern sports clubs (some of the biggest names in global sports) that have a connection to Greek mythology.


Each Greek god and goddess has their own page with detailed explanations about them and any important facts you should know. Each one will also recommend to you some products that are tailored to the individual Greek god or goddess in question. Demeter will have different tastes than Hephaestus or his wife Aphrodite. Also, each Greek god or goddess will have their own favorite sports teams that will be explained on their relevant page.


Beyond the individual gods, you can learn all about the links between Greek mythology and the Zodiacs, with a separate page for each Zodiac. We also compiled a crash course on Greek-Roman history so you can quickly learn more Greek-Roman history in 5 minutes than you probably learned in all your school years. We even recommend all the most important historical movies to watch to make learning history more fun than reading a textbook!


Have you ever wondered about the planets named after Greek gods? Planets named after gods is our specialty! You can learn all about how the planets were named after Greek and Roman gods, the Greek myths behind many constellations, and the history of the space missions named after Greek/Roman mythology like Apollo, Mercury, Gemini, and the Artemis missions, which are planning on landing the first woman on the moon by 2025 with Artemis 3.

Blog and Shop

Our weekly blog covers various topics relevant to Greek mythology, you can see our latest posts below. Join our Instagram for daily posts about mythology/history and don’t miss our Greek mythology shop which has a hand-picked selection of products that will satisfy your Greek mythology needs. We are Amazon Affiliates and get a commission if you buy through our links and we appreciate your support in doing that!

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