Thales Of Miletus – Father Of Science (624 – 547 BC)

Published by Tomas on

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    Widely recognised as the first of the great men of science, and regarded as one of the ‘seven wise men’ of antiquity, Thales of Miletus (624-560 BC), turned his back on mythology as an explanation for natural phenomena, and set about determining their natural cause.


    Yet, what how do you do define science? Humans have been experimenting with objects for hundreds of years before Thales of Miletus.

    Hellenic Moon

    There is a blog post here that has some good videos that cover Thales:

    March 14 : International Day of Mathematics / Pi (3.14) Day & Archimedes

    Just watch the first video called What the Ancient Knew and it will eventually get to Thales. There is also a video about Thales in this other blog post about Creativity and Innovation day:

    April 21 : World Creativity and Innovation Day & Archimedes

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